


Что такое танго? Пары, элегантно скользящие по блестящему паркету дорогих отелей? Вызов, дерзко брошенный в дымном кабаке, затерявшемся в трущобах Буэнос-Айреса? Или признание, с которого начинается история длиной в сорок лет? Каждый герой нового романа Артуро Переса-Реверте отвечает на этот вопрос по-своему и в свое время. Но для каждого из них встреча с легендарным танцем станет роковой: красивый и опасный, он одинаково легко сталкивает и ломает совершенно разные судьбы. И лишь немногим под силу полюбить и исполнить подлинное танго — танго старой гвардии. ФРАГМЕНТЫ КНИГИ



ЦЕЛУЙ И ТАНЦУЙ: в поисках любви в Буэнос Айресе

Танго –  танец страсти… Буэнос Айрес – родина танго… Где, как ни там, сможет женщина найти мужчину своей мечты?  Тридцатилетняя американка, устав от скуки и одиночества, решает проверить, есть ли в легендах  о «городе танго» истина, – и отправляется в Буэнос Айрес.  ФРАГМЕНТЫ КНИГИ



Томас Элой Мартинес


В погоне за голосом таинственного певца американский аспирант, работающий над диссертацией «Танго в творчестве Борхеса» открывает для себя Буэнос-Айрес – город литературы, любви и насилия, город, в котором подвал скромного пансиона может скрывать знаменитый борхесовский алеф – точку, содержащую все точки и все мгновения вселенной. Фрагменты книги


Вольфрам Флейшгауэр


Аргентинское танго… Танец страсти и чувственности? Танец страсти и опасности! Танец, который привел юную балерину в объятия загадочного мужчины и открыл для нее двери в увлекательный, экзотический мир аргентинской богемы… Однако внезапно возлюбленный бесследно исчезает, и она отправляется на его поиски. На поиски, которые становятся все более опасными… Фрагменты книги


Федерико Андахази


“Танцующий с тенью” — это роман, исполненный в ритме настоящего аргентинского танго. Любовь, смерть, верность, отчаяние – герои Андахази не говорят об этом: они поют танго. Фрагменты книги



Irene D. Thomas, Larry M. Sawyer.

TEMPTATION ON TANGO: Journeys of Intimacy and Desire

«The Temptation to Tango» is divided into four parts: The Lure, The Reality, The Challenge, and, The Reward. First, we explore tango’s romantic allure, mysterious origins, and exotic dark side. Next, we focus on why tango is so hard to learn; the stresses on the body and inner-world of emotion. We investigate the cultural issues around dominance and submission. Six more short stories tell tales of couples and singles who take-on the tango with very different goals and results. What one can get from persevering along the arduous tango trail is sensual and emotional fulfillment, rewards frequently lacking in our society.



Johanna Siegmann.


The Tao of Tango is emphatically not a dance book, but rather the ultimate self-help book on the way men and women view relationships.

Written specifically to be accessible to both genders, [Johanna]…uses the Tango as a metaphor to describe the fragile balance of energies found in all interpersonal relationships, as they are perceived from the point of view of both sexes. The book includes physical exercises to help readers through the process of developing awareness of the self and of one’s partner. A «must» read for anyone desiring a balanced life and a loving relationship.

Cover_Aleph Bravo Tango4Dyv Saraza ALEPH BRAVO TANGO

“She will remember this night for the rest of her life…” So begins Aleph Bravo Tango, perhaps the only text ever written about tango which never uses the word ‘passion.’ More than an elaborate and difficult dance, tango is a culture of intimacy, desire, and dignity. — Anahid Aramouni Keshishian
“Aleph Bravo Tango announces to the world that…tango is everywhere to be tasted or devoured; to be shared or kept forever in the secret place of our soul. Tango dancers everywhere will find themselves in this book. Others…will enjoy the temptation.” — Auriel “Exquisite.” — Kristina Olsen.


Camille Cusumano TANGO: An Argentine Love Story

Tango has been the subject of several recent books, from Marina Palmer’s Kiss and Tango to Irene D. Thomas and Larry M. Sawyer’s The Temptation To Tango to Robert Farris Thompson’s Tango: The Art History of Love. Cookbook author and novelist Cusumano declares, «is a writer who dances tango,» and here she recounts her journey toward self-awareness set in the context of an extraordinary year spent in Buenos Aires. According to Cusumano, tango—like yoga and Zen, which she also practices—is a way of life, and her keen and colorful observations of everything from the milongas (tango dance halls) and her dance wardrobe to the people she met and danced with to the neighborhoods she lived in and the foods she ate create a thoughtful account redolent with the sights, sounds, and tastes of her own tango experience. Cusumano’s book is recommended for public library collections serving dancers, armchair travelers, and literary-essay fans.

Cover_WallerRobert James Waller


A mysterious loner tries to find love and peace of mind in rural South Dakota in Waller’s latest, a tepid, unfocused novel that begins when a handsome, independent drifter, Carlisle McMillan, arrives in the tiny town of Salamander. McMillan is the son of Bridges of Madison County photographer Robert Kincaid; he previously appeared in A Thousand Country Roads, in search of his father. The California native and master carpenter with a Stanford degree finds his interest piqued by Salamander, and he buys an abandoned house just outside town, making plans to rebuild it. But trouble comes calling when a corrupt developer decides to seize McMillan’s house as part of a potentially lucrative highway project; McMillan fights back with a well-organized battle plan that gets him in trouble with most of the town’s residents. Romance is in the offing, too, of course: McMillan takes up with comely Gally Deveraux shortly after her brutish husband dies, but the real object of his desire is beautiful Susanna Benteen, a wild, mysterious woman who keeps company with the local Sioux as they observe McMillan in his fight against the highway project. Waller offers a bit more substance here than in other post-Bridges offerings, but he’s still hamstrung by cliché. The result is yet another half-baked attempt to recapture the magic of Madison County. Agent, David Vigliano.

Cover_Herrera1Nancy De Herrera

NEVER TANGO WITH A STRANGER: Love in Peron’s Argentina

1951, Paris. San Francisco socialite Nancy Cooke meets Luis de Herrera, a dashing sports car driver from Argentina who is driving with the American team at Le Mans. It is love at first sight for the couple, but several obstacles keep them apart. After heartbreaking separations and months of uncertainty, they finally marry. Is it happily ever after? Not quite Nancy’s divorce isn’t recognized by the strict Catholic country of Argentina, and she struggles to be accepted as de Herrera’s wife. But as time passes, Nancy becomes more familiar with the people of Argentina, especially of Juan Peron and his wife, Evita. She witnesses the country’s fictitious agony over Evita’s illness, and the choreographed, Hollywood-like production mourning her death. Later, Nancy even participates in the revolution to overthrow Peron.But while visiting the United States, Nancy and Luis are exposed to atomic radiation fallout, resulting in Luis’s tragic death. Such a horrific event spurs Nancy’s search for answers, and begins a new, lifelong spiritual quest that continues to this day.With amazing candor and heartbreaking emotion, Never Tango with a Stranger tells Nancy’s bittersweet story of love, loss, and illumination, and provides a compelling portrait of the power and strength of the human spirit.


Stephen James Smith


Part mediaeval spiritual journey, part post-modern exploration of the void, Tango Turiya carries the reader cinematically across countries and continents on Emma Dakin’s search for timeless love, to where the flow of tide and time turns back upon itself.


Adriana Perez, Bruna Ferrari


El Maestro dice: «No hay viejos, jovenes, hombres, mujeres, lindos o feos. Solo hay Seres Perfectos, dentro de cuerpos diferentes, que se muenen en el espacio y en el tiempo en una danza divina de suspiros y sonidos. una eterna pasion de color rojo como las notas mas sensuales del tango»


lonely planet


«For reliable and authoritative travel information, reach for yor Lonely Planet guide» The Times (UK)